Sunday, 18 August 2013

Choice...not just in S.A's Toilets

I always ask myself why the free condoms are named choice.... why not the right choice, since it's considered that.... but it occurred to me, it isn't to pressurise someone into taking them, or into believing their a right choice... it is so this can be "a choice you take"...pun intended.... after you've decided....

Choice: via scampto dictionary...(yes not Oxford, not Longman but the base of this blog...scampto)...A decision to do something.....Highlight Decision....I cannot stress enough how much all things are a choice..... in this day and age we are convinced we are 'backed into corners' and thus have 'no choice'..... what utter delusion.... every decision you make( look at how choice is already there within 'decision) is a choice.... the choice to believe you were forced into something is in itself a choice.....

NOBODY CAN STRIP YOU OF YOUR CHOICE UNTIL YOU LET THEM, BY BELIEVING THAT YOU HONESTLY DON'T HAVE A CHOICE.......We never learn do we.... the choice to get up in the morning is not considered one as its considered your habit... and so it is that we create habits of our choices... so much so that it ends up really becoming a routine to make a choice.....

I had a convo with some guy once and he said; " the capacity and knowledge to know that all things are a choice, is proof of intelligence." Stuff that.... people don't want to seek knowledge....they prefer to flow with the times, not be left out.... One pastor said, "the first thing most people reach for in the morning is there cellphone, why? Cause people have "left behind syndrome"".... think about it, the first ish you'll check is your social networking accounts..... just to keep updated about whatever whoever updated..... it isn't all people, ngyati shem... kepha liningi...

Gone are the days when we could just let our yes's   (if spelling is verkeerd....whooo Goerge is not nje my lingo) be yes and no's be no's..... there is no such, we make choices all day everyday.... we choose to do things we don't wanna do want chomma moet maar happy wees oor my.... Could we just stop choosing to make excuses... anything you have to justify is wrong... anything you feel you need to justify just shows how many doubts you had about the decision.....

I'm of the belief that one must always be honest with themselves.... even in the harshest situations.... yey maaan just look in the mirror and speak to yourself.... A MAN WHO CAN LIE TO HIMSELF HAS A LIE FOR A LIFE... Live and learn...i always say life..(awuzwake.... when people say this...its always a cliche....kodwa bare with me "....the truth is necessary. See how all people...( guys too...mhhhmmmm)... always consult people for advice on situations (still trying to be current....what does the world do esimeni esinje?) then take the advice and blame people if it backfires.... khula and learn that mistakes are teachers.... you chose to take the advice and implement it.... this person you asked was merely telling you what they believed they'd do...(coz half the time...they actually do something else) thought about it, weighed the options, considered the consequences...mind you that last step is overstepped by most....and then took a decision.... So nje, STOP THE BLAME GAME...

TAKE DECISIONS, MAKE CHOICES.....BUT DO SO WITHIN YOURSELF....FOR YOURSELF..... I'm not saying advice is wrong, im saying, let it not outweigh your thoughts on the matter.....


Consider it pure Joy......

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